2017 Earth Day Festivities

Morningside's Earth Day celebration will cover two days this year. On Saturday, April 22, Edina Morningside Community Church will host an EarthWorks Breakfast from 8:30-11:00 A.M., with honey-tasting, crafts for kids, and videos, maps and bicycling tips. (RSVP for the breakfast at emcucc@emcucc.org.) Don't miss Robert Schumacher's 9 A.M. presentation on bee-farming. 

On Sunday, April 23, celebrate Earth Day with your family and neighbors at the second annual Morningside Eco-Fair at the Weber Park Shelter. The fun begins at 1:45 P.M. with a family bike ride from Edina Morningside Community Church to Weber Park.  Activities at the park--including an electric car showroom and exhibits on renewable energy option, zero-waste composting and more--will run from 2-5 P.M.