Facebook: EdinaMNA
Many more people are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues during COVID-19. The MNA wants you to know about local resources that can help you be safe and mentally healthy. Please see the list below for more information on how to access support.
Depression and Suicidal Thoughts:
If you or another are feeling suicidal, but do not have imminent thoughts of harm, or are generally having mental health concerns, you can call COPE at 612-596-1223 (for those under 17 years of age, 612-348-2233). This is Hennepin County’s 24/7 mental health hotline, staffed by clinical social workers. They can assess your needs and make a plan to get help, regardless of your insurance coverage. If you or someone you know are imminently suicidal, go to the nearest Emergency Department or call 911 for assistance.
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse:
People isolating at home naturally are experiencing increased interpersonal stress and are at risk for a higher incidence of domestic violence and child abuse. For domestic abuse help, including need for shelter, call Cornerstone/MN Day Once Crisis at 866-223-1111. If you have concerns that a child is being maltreated, call Hennepin County Child Protection at 612-348-3552.
Financial and Other Types of Assistance:
If you or your Edina neighbor needs help with food, rent, etc., you can find it with just one call to the Edina Resource Center, at 952-848-3936. ERC telephones are answered Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
The ERC serves anyone who lives, works or goes to school in Edina and is a collaborative effort between the City of Edina, Edina Public Schools, and the local community. The ERC refers callers to a wide range of resources.
Edina residents also are welcome to reach out directly to community agencies:
Edina Public Health Hotline - 952-826-0370 (M-F, 8 AM to 4:30 PM)
VEAP (food support/rent assistance) - 952-888-9616 (M-F, 9 AM to 4:30 PM)
Senior Community Services HOME (household and outside maintenance for the elderly) - 952-541-1019