City of Edina Community Engagement Officer Emily Jepson and other members of the Edina Police Department gave important information and advice when they met with Morningside residents on Friday, May 19 at 5:30 PM, in the Weber Park Shelter. Here are their key points:
Call 911 right away if you see something suspicious - e.g., masked individuals or groups walking or driving in the neighborhood, vehicles stopped in the street with doors open, vehicles making frequent stops near other vehicles.
Lock your vehicles and do not leave keys inside. Almost all autos stolen were left unlocked, with keys inside or nearby.
Many other crimes are crimes of opportunity. Keep doors to your house and garage shut and locked.
Help build a safer community. Know your neighbors, keep active outdoors, and participate in community gatherings. Those looking to commit crimes of opportunity typically do not want witnesses.
Do NOT confront someone who is committing a crime. They often are armed, young, and impulsive. Call 911. “Property is not worth a life.”
For locations of recent crimes in Minneapolis, please see an interactive map at:
Edina is developing a crime mapping tool after installing a new records management system in February, Here is the link to current crime reporting for Edina (not in map format):